Career Tales - Beyond the world of redudancy

Published on 9 April 2023 at 11:50

As we all know, life is never a straight path, and oftentimes, our careers can take unexpected turns. My first blog story "Beyond Redundancy" is a reflection of my personal encounters with redundancy - the challenges, the emotions, and the lessons learned along the way. Join me as I explore the ups and downs of starting again, discovering hidden opportunities, and finding purpose beyond setbacks.

Easter Sunday 2023, I am suffering from a massive cold, and feeling a little sorry for myself. Everybody is out on this sunny day. The kids doing their thing, my husband is in the UK for the wedding of his nephew, and there is feeling the impact of the debris caused by the news I had been expecting for a while. I have been made redundant.... well, I decided to write a blog and publish my career chronicles, so here is the first one, how to rise after redundancy, and some tips, which I hope you find useful. 



On March 30th I was called in the big chief, my boss, the CEO, who after some chitchat, pounced the topic on me, I am afraid I don't have good news for you.  Although redundancy can be challenging and overwhelming for both parties, you have to look at it from different angles. By sharing my personal stories, I use my creativity to deal with my emotions, rather than living in my head and building my tales, which don't always reflect the whole truth.


The News and Now

Ask yourself do you ever get used to bad news, or is it good news? Experiences such as redundancy can be extremely confusing, just like any other massive life-changing event in your life. So yes I was happy at first, then I was angry, no wait... I am happy, this is good for me... oh no my life as I know is ending, what am I going to do? 

If there is anything I have learned from previous experiences, and knowing myself, I am full of ideas and already jumping into the next adventure before giving myself the time to grieve and take care of myself.  Remember it is normal to have ups and downs during this period, and it's okay to take the time you need to process and navigate your emotions. But by taking care of yourself, staying positive, and reflecting on what's next for you, you have a better chance to move forward with confidence and success.


Most of you by now will be wondering why I was made redundant. Very simple, changing market conditions... so let's call a cat a cat... but no, I will not open the bag here, the why is irrelevant. If you think too much about the why, the narrative can change, people's opinions might differ, but the result remains the same. 


Opportunity for Growth and new beginnings - The Wind of Change


When I left Microsoft in 2018, I wrote my mission statement, so first things first, go back to what I preached 5 years ago. Let's have a look: the window of opportunity is mine to grab.

  • If there is one thing you can't buy it is time. A lifetime is so exclusive, and remember you can only borrow this for a limited unknown time.
  • Buying experiences, not possessions. Seeking a path to better and not more is key!
  • The importance of health, no is no longer a cliché. I strived to work so hard to the point I was burned out. I constantly remind myself to move this one to the top.
  • Enjoying my career. Things have changed in this area, mastering the career of peace and well-being. 
  • Count my blessings every day. I am a fortunate person, loved and supported by family and friends. My home is my castle… My garden is my tranquil haven… My arts, crafts, and love for design will always remain my passion. Stay open to making life-changing decisions and always be ready to start again. Be proud of your successes but also your failures. 
  • Keep dreaming, thinking big, believing in myself, and inspiring those close to me.


Tips - Staying Positive


  • Acknowledge and allow yourself to feel
    Losing a job can be an emotional event, no s*t Sherlock, don't tell me. My emotions were all over the place from happy to angry to scared to resentful to blessed... You need to find a way to deal with these emotions healthily, whether it is through talking to people such as your friends, family, or in my case my first port of call, my husband, and secondly my bestie.
  • Reframe your perspective
    As I said, the wind of change continues. I see it as a chance to explore new opportunities, create new beginnings, and in no way as a setback. I am very proud of my career, but it does not define me. My outplacement career coach told me to think about the horses I am ready to put out there before the race, getting them ready to run and win the race. At the moment my mind feels like a ball of spaghetti, with each string presenting another opportunity. However, for the moment there are too many strings to pull. So which string is the right one to pull to pursue the best opportunities or things I might not ever have considered before? That is the one-million-dollar question at the moment.
  • Take time for self-care
    Yes, Brenda, you are good at repeating this but not good at execution. I need to start prioritizing self-care activities and I invite my friends to call me on my shit; not everybody and everything at once, please. Create a realistic plan, get out for starters, and engage in activities that bring me joy and relaxation. Mental well-being is most definitely the key before you can even think about physical well-being.
  • Reflect on your skills and achievements
    No problem here, as said earlier I am extremely proud of what I have done, my past successes, and my gazelle approach, always open to learning new things. Recognizing your worth is a good thing to keep a positive mindset.
  • Stay connected with your network
    This might not be as simple as it seems. Everybody I know, even if they don't work seems to be busy. Finding a balance between the two worlds I live in, our community in Spain where most people are retired, versus our community back home where most I know have a very busy career, and of course taking into account a lot of my connections and friends due to the nature of my job and expat live, live spread all over the world. Creating this blog is a start, but I need to reflect some more on this topic for sure.
  • Set Goals and Take Action
    So creating a plan from my ball of spaghetti is the first step. Talking to my career outplacement consultant and bringing perspective. Setting realistic goals and taking consistent steps towards them. As they say, Rome was not built in one day, so my action plan will hopefully get more shape by the time, I am writing my next career chronicle.
  • Learn and Grow
    I want to use this opportunity to keep learning and growing both professionally and personally. Keep an open mind to acquiring new skills. There are plenty of options I can do, from acquiring new skills to taking additional courses, finally getting more proficient in Spanish, volunteering, or exploring new industries, just as I have done when I left the tech industry after 20 years to move into the logistics field. To give yourself a chance, you need to continuously invest in yourself. Too often, I have met people coming in with a fixed mindset, being the new golden egg. 




I sit here content in my home office, looking forward to a new chapter in my life. Tonight I will remind myself again how lucky am I, traveling a new road… the wind of change... For those who tell me to stop working, I will consider and value your opinion but at the end of the day, the decision on which path to travel will be mine to own and design. Rest assured, there is a boggling mind map of opportunities.


Take care of yourselves, and have a lovely Easter weekend!  

Brenda Mortier

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